Origin of Motivation

The development of man depends on the activity of maturation, exercise and learning. These elements are related to the origin of its motive. A man performs some action without any learning due to maturation. Thus the origins of some motives are natural. Other motives are originated as the consequences of experiences and efforts. These are learnt and acquired motivation. For example the feeling of hunger for an inborn infant is such a motive, which is natural and without learning. Hunger is an internal intensity. In fact this intensity generates due to the reduction, consequences motivation arises. Motivation arises due to internal reasons.’’ The inspiration of an adult man in some parts is basically instinctive and in some parts it is learnt or acquired.
A man learns to behave according to the culture, rules and traditions of the society, in which environment he lives.

The relation of the origin of this type of motivation. (1) Maturation (2) Needs and internal intensity (3) and with environment.

Development of Motivation

Motives develops according to the development of needs, age and experiences. In the beginning this development is physiological, and soon it is psychological. A man has some natural needs at the time of birth. In the beginning due to the need of hunger, thirst and toilet he gets the motive of the cause of action and behavior. And he weeps and cries, and soon and later he learns to control over the environment with the growth of age. Consequently changes come in his behavior towards his inspiration. In the childhood due to the main instinct and emotions a child gets enjoy in playing and meeting with others. He gets the motive of doing especial kind of behavior for gaining this pleasure. In the same way in the adolescent according to the development of age and qualities, he gets the motivator power for the fulfillment of physical, mental and social needs and the development of motives go on in sequence.

Causes of Motivation

There are two causes of motivation:
  1. Natural cause
  2. Acquired cause
1. Natural causes are following:
  • The activities related to the surviving desire-as hunger and thirst etc.
  • The sense of self defense.
  • The feeling of getting comfort and pleasure.
  • The sense of resolving problem.
  • Love feeling (sexual).
  • Emotion, main instincts and thought.
  • Will power
  • Unconscious mind.
2. Acquired causes are following:
  • Social ideal, situation, relation and environment.
  • Habit, etiquettes and interest.
  • Stable emotion, complex feeling.
  • Cultural and social achievement as- thought, feeling, education.

The Function of Motive

According to the concept of Gates—There are the three types of motive on the basis of inspired behavior of man: 

  1. To make behavior strong—motivation provides strength to a man for doing some work, which helps him in the generation of Activeness. For example hunger and thirst generates muscles and glands responses inside of a person. The excretion in muscles and glands provides such a physical strength to a person that he becomes active. Besides it motives provide personal stability for the longer behavior. Hebb has found out this conclusion with his studies that motivated behavior is skillful and appropriate. In the absence of appropriate behavior reduction comes in the strength of doing work.
  2. Selection of the behavior—Motives provide capability of doing selective behavior to a person. Motivated behavior moves in a proper way. A man selects that useful behavior among much possible behavior. This helps him in the attainment of goal and satisfies his needs. Motives prepare a person for reacting for peculiar stimulus. Motives tell how a man should behave in a different situation. 
  3. Movement of the behavior—Motives does the work of moving the behavior. They move the behavior in this way that the direction of behavior is toward the satisfaction. Although, it is difficult to move the inspired behavior due to the proportion of aimed goal and the obstacle creativity of situation. But the swiftness of motives sustains the proportion of the behavior of man and provides guidance in the direction of getting success in the struggle of attainment of goal. In this condition there is the requirement of this things that the behavior of man is in the side of determining purpose and he will use his whole power for it.


  • Man is an active creature by his nature. He is always engaged in some work, and continues to do some kind of behavior.
  • There are some motives for the movement of action and behavior of any person, which motivates him, for doing action and behavior indifferent situations.
  • We can call any stimulus, a motivation, which helps a person for reacting and behavior. Which internally motivates a person for doing any action. 
  • We can say that the motivation instinct lies in the root of human behavior, which inspired a man for doing some activities. It can thus be explained by example—In the stage of hunger there is a contraction in the layers of stomach, and a man feels intensity in his internal side. And getting ride of this confusing stage he searches for eating material. His searching goes on until after getting the food he quenches his hunger. In this example the stage of hunger is motivation. And the cause of stage of hunger is called hunger motive. 
  • The development of man depends on the activity of maturation, exercise and learning. These elements are related to the origin of its motive. A man performs some action without any learning due to maturation. Thus the origins of some motives are naturally. Other motives are originated as the consequences of experiences and efforts. These are learnt and acquired motivation. For example the feeling of hunger for an inborn infant is such a motive, which is natural and without learning. Hunger is an internal intensity. In fact this intensity generates due to the reduction, consequences motivation arises. Motivation arises due to internal reasons.’’The inspiration of an adult man in some parts is basically instinctive and in some parts it is learnt or acquired.
  • Motives develops according to the development of needs age and experiences. In the beginning this development is physiological, and soon it psychological. 
  • In the childhood due to the main instinct and emotions a child gets enjoy in playing and meeting with others. He gets the motive of doing especial kind of behavior for gaining this pleasure. In the same way, in the adolescense, according to the development of age and qualities, he gets the motivator power for the fulfillment of physical, mental and social needs and the development of motives go on in sequence.

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