Nature and Definition of Intelligence

Intelligence is a common word in daily life, which is used in many meanings. During the time of studying personality differences in detail, we will see that two persons are not similar, some are more intelligent and some are dull minded, some are slow and some resolve the problems within few minutes. There are many reasons for personality differences, among which Intelligence is important. Mental ability of a child is affected by his intelligence. This is a universal truth that, an intelligent man gets success in all the spheres of life, on the other hand a proper environment is also needed for his development. Intelligence is not one quality in itself but a collection of many qualities. A man cannot be called intelligent or dull minded, until the intellectual characteristics in his behavior are tested. Intellect cannot be seen directly, so we can say that intellect is an imagined power. A man mostly uses intellect in understanding the different problems and in learning them. It is necessary to know his intellectual level and mental capability for mental development. From this point of view this question should be pondered “what is intellect?”

Nature and Definition of Intelligence

“What is intellect?” Psychologists have different opinions in regard of this question. Different 
Psychologists have described the nature of intelligent according to their opinion. So we can understand the nature of intelligence after studying the definitions given by them. The definitions given by psychologists are following:

  1. According to W. Stern—“Intelligence is a general capacity of an individual consciously to adjust his thinking to new situation.”
  2. According to C. Burt—“Intelligence is the innate capacity to adapt relatively to new situations.’’
  3. According to A. Binet—“To judge well, to comprehend well, to reason well, these are the essential activities of intelligence.’’
  4. According to F. Galton—“Intelligence is the power of recognition and learning.’’
  5. According to L. Terman—“Intelligence is the capacity to carry on abstract thinking.’’
  6. According to Thorndike—“Intelligence is the power of good response from the point of view of truth or fact.’’
  7. According to Buckingham—“Intelligence is the ability to learn.”
  8. According to W. C. Dougall—“Intelligence is the capacity to improve upon innate tendency in the light of previous experience.’’
  9. According to Wells—“Intelligence is the ability of adjusting to new situations.’’
  10. Spearman—“Intelligence is the power of attention.’’
  11. Stout—“Intelligence is the general ability of the individual.’’
  12. Woodrow—“Intelligence is an acquiring capacity.’’
  13. Ebbinghans—“Intelligence is the power of combining parts.’’
  14. Wechsler—“Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.’’
  15. Garret—“The ability demanded in the solution of problems which require the comprehension and use of symbols, i.e words, numbers, diagrams, equations, formulas.’’
  16. Woodworth—“Intelligence is a way of acting.’’

Characteristics of Intelligence

On the basis of the definitions given by psychologists, intelligence has following characteristics:

  1. Intelligence is an innate power. It is gained from heredity.
  2. Intelligence is the power, by which, a man organizes his behavior according to the situation after removing its complication.
  3.  Intelligence is the capacity of learning.
  4. Intelligent is the ability of taking advantage from previous experiences.
  5. Intelligence is the ability of abstract thinking, means with the help of intelligence we can think of something which is not evident. 
  6. Intelligence is the set of different abilities.
  7. Intelligence is the essence of all special abilities.
  8. Knowledge obtained by intelligence can be used in new situations.
  9. There is difference between intelligence and knowledge.
  10. Due to the sexual differences, difference is not seen in intelligence.
  11. Intelligence is the power of introspection. Intelligence itself criticizes the actions and thoughts done by a man.
  12. Intelligence tries to understand any problem, and then inspires the mind to take decision.
Heredity—Many psychologists did various experiments in this context and found out the conclusion that heredity effects intelligence. As Freeman considered that intelligence is closely related to heredity. Gesell and Galton found out the conclusion that intelligence is more effected by heredity not by environment. Pearson proved this on the basis of his study that the children of intelligent parents are also intelligent to a large extent. Besides it, Psychologists like Schvesinger, Dason, Newman also considered that intelligence is more effected by heredity. So it is an important factor.

Environment—Many psychologists also did many experiments in the relation of environment. They believe that intelligence is more effected by environment than heredity. Kodak studied such eighty mothers who had brought up their children in good environment to know the effect of environment on intelligence. Wellman Leahy and Skeel also proved on the basis of his experiment, if a child is provided good environment, big changes can be brought in his intelligence. The psychologist of this belief also accept that intelligence is more affected by environment.

Age—The relationship between intelligence and age is also accepted as an important factor. Many experiments and study have been done in this context. As by- Terman, Miles & Miles, Johns, Thorndike, Spearman etc. On the basis of all these experiments it has been concluded that, generally intelligence grows from the age of 16 to 20 years, but in India it is considered that the development of intelligence happens till the age of 25. 

Race—Psychologists also accepted the effect of race on intelligence in their study and reached on the conclusion that race difference has no effect on intelligence. There are three groups of people are found in all the races - intelligent, common and dull minded. Their percentage can be more or less, however some psychologists considered that intelligence is also affected by the race.

Sex—Intelligence is affected by sex, or not, many experiments also have been done in this connection. Psychologist Witty considered that there is no especial difference between sex difference and intelligence, but if girls are not provided proper environment , their rumination side go backward, and the girls, who do not get liberal environment, are less intelligent than the boys. MacMeeken (1939) evaluated the intelligence of 875 children in his study, who were from Scotland. The evaluation of the intelligence of these children was done by Stanford Binet Test. After the study it was found that boys’ IQ was on average was 100.5 and girls’ IQ average was 99.7. Both the mean of I.Q and S.D was 15.9 and 15.2 respectively. Some psychologists’ concept was that girls I.Q were more than that of boys from six to fourteen. After this at the age of sixteen both, girls’ and boys’ IQ is equal and after this age boys’ IQ is more. 

Health—As it is said that ‘Healthy mind grows in healthy body’. It has been felt that from daily life’s experiences that better is the health, better is the development of the intelligence in the child. So health also affects the intelligence of a person.

Difference between Intelligence and Knowledge

According to the psychologists there are following differences between intelligence and knowledge:

  1. Intelligence is an innate power obtained by heredity, while knowledge is obtained power. Knowledge is attained in environment.
  2. Intelligence is stable, knowledge is increased by gaining. Intelligence is not more or less, but knowledge can increase.
  3. More intelligence can develop more knowledge, but more knowledge cannot develop more intelligence.
  4. A man can be a scholar, but it is not necessary that he will be intelligent. In this way it is not necessary that whoever is intelligent, will also be a scholar.
  5. To know many things is knowledge, but to use them is intelligence.
  6. Psychologist Ross said that “Intelligence is the goal and knowledge is only a way to reach it.’’
  7. Psychologist Ballard said that “Intelligence is a mental ability which is evaluated by the means like knowledge, interest and habit.’’
  8. “In the worldly life intelligence the  usable knowledge and thinking is intelligence.’’  These thoughts have been expressed by Sir Adams.
  9. If a man’s intelligence is destroyed, his knowledge is finished.
  10. Intelligent men can face difficulties easily, while scholars are unable in doing so.

Kinds of Intelligence

Psychologist Thorndike has considered intelligence, as the collection of many abilities. He has given the following three types on the basis of it:

  • Abstract Intelligence
  • Social Intelligence
  • Motor or Mechanical Intelligence
  1. Abstract Intelligence—Minor feelings are known by this intelligence. Poets, Author, Painter etc express their feeling by this intelligence. Words, digits and symbols are used in this type of learning. This is a process of learning the academics. And the processes of solving of those problem in which words and symbols are used. So it is the giving of abstract and oral intelligence to express the opinion by the medium of words and symbols.  It is necessary to develop Abstracts intelligence in such subjects as- reading, Mathematics, Geography, History in school. New planning, new invention, new rumination is possible by this intelligence.
  2. Social Intelligence—This intelligence is related to the social conditioning, which helps a man in adapting according to the society. Due to the social intelligence, a man affects another man with his behavior. This type of man is happy, practical and takes interest in social activities. Due to the social intelligence a man leads a successful life in society. These types of men are occupational, politician and social worker.
  3. Mechanical Intelligence—Mechanical intelligence means the power or ability, by which,  a man can adjust himself with the situation related to mechanical or material things. The children, who have this intelligence, are seen in the starting period. They try to repair by opening their watch, toy and bicycle. Such children, after growing up, become expert mechanic, engineer. Mechanically intelligent children are expert in games and physical activities.


  • Intelligence is a common word in daily life, which is used in many meanings. During the time of studying personality differences in detail, we will see that two persons are not similar, some are more intelligent and some are dull minded, some are slow and some resolve the problems within few minutes. There are many reasons for personality differences, among which Intelligence is important. Mental ability of a child is affected by his intelligence. This is a universal truth that, an intelligent man gets success in all the spheres of life, on the other hand a proper environment is also needed for his development. Intelligence is not one quality in itself but a collection of many qualities.
  • Various Psychologists have described the nature of intelligence on the basis of their thinking.
  • Intelligence has some characteristics. Intelligence is the capacity of learning. Intelligent is the ability of taking advantage from previous experiences. Intelligence is the ability of abstract thinking, means with the help of intelligence we can think of something which is not evident.
  • There are many factors influencing the intelligence: heredity, environment, race, age, sex and health. 
  • Psychologist Thorndike has considered intelligence, as the collection of many abilities. He has given the following three types on the basis of it, i.e. Abstract intelligence, Social Intelligence and Motor or Mechanical Intelligence.

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