Recent Trends In Selection

There are some new methods of selection coming up now:

  1. Selection by Invitation 
  2. Leasing
  3. 360° selection programme 

  1. Selection by Invitation: When the management finds that the key executive of a competitor organization is performing well the management of this particular organization invites that executive by offering attractive salary and benefits.
  2. Leasing or Contract basis: Some organizations employ specialists to take-up highly skilled jobs but since they demand high pay, they are not on regular rolls of the organization. Whenever there is a need for their expertise, the organization employ them on lease from a consultancy firm and pay the required fee to the consultancy firms and in turn the consultancy firms pay the salary to these employees. This is very beneficial to the consultancy, employees on lease and also to the industrial organization. The organization can employ them on less cost and the employees get high pay and benefits because of their freelancing.
  3. 360° selection programme: This is called so because the organization started involving the subordinates and the employees of the same level along with the I supervisors, in administering the employment tests and conductions interviews. They judge the fit between the job and the candidate because; the employees skills, knowledge and performance affect not only superiors but also the subordinates and the workers of the same level.
These days they are some more new methods of selection like e-mail, telephone interviews, etc, where in the person need not be present physically. They send in the bio-data to certain web sites and if the organization needs the personnel they search these websites. If a suitable candidate is found, they can reach him again through his e-mail or call him on the telephone etc. The ultra modem latest trendis the web-cam facility where they can see the candidate on the net provided the candidate also has this facility.

Placement and Induction


Once the employee is found satisfactory, then, the organization gives him/her placement. It may be defined as "the determination of the job to which an accepted candidate is to be assigned. It is matching the person with the job demands, with the strain involved and working conditions and marching the persons qualification with the pay rolls etc. When a person is placed properly, there is less turnover, absenteeism, and accident fates and it improves morale.

In the beginning of the employment, the candidates are put on probation for one or two years and only then he is regularized. During this time of probation his work and behaviour should be found satisfactory. Suppose the candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, he may be asked to quit.

Induction/Orientation or Indoctrination:

Induction is a technique by which a new employee is rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and introduced to the practices, policies and purposes of the organization.

Objectives of induction: when an employee joins the organization he is a stranger to the people, work place and work environment. If he is welcomed in a proper way and given proper information regarding his job details and duties he will feel less anxious. Induction dispels the fears and illusions and he feels more at home and confident.

It also minimizes the reality shock, which might be caused by the incompatibility between what the employee excepts in their new jobs and the realities they are confronted with (promotions etc. experience of the earlier employees)

Finally induction also has the responsibility of introducing the new employee and the organization to each other, to help them become acquainted and to help them accommodate each other.

The new comer is explained as to what is required of them, he is explained the rules, regulations, policies and procedures that affect him.

He is explained as to how his job fits into the overall operation of the organization and to whom he should report.

Induction Procedure: Many organizations develop a formal orientation programmes, which include a tour of the offices or plants, a talk about the history of the organization and a short discussion with the people from personnel department which would describe the organization benefits plans for the employees.

They may be an informal orientation also where in the new recruit is assigned to another senior employee who would introduce him to other workers and show him other things too.

There is no hard and fast rule to an induction procedure but each industry follows a procedure that is more suitable to their needs.

An induction programme should consist of three steps:

  1. General orientation by the staff of the personnel department.
  2. Specific orientation by the job supervisors
  3. Follow-up
1) General orientation builds some pride and interest in the organization. The information provided is here about the pension, health arid welfare plans, and safety programme.

2) Specific: The employee is shown to his department and his place of work. This is to enable the employee to adjust himself to his work and environment.

3) Follow up takes place within one week to six months. To find out whether the employer is reasonably satisfied with him, or has any complaints or difficulties.

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