Transfer of Training or Learning

It is the opinion of Educational Psychologist that the knowledge obtained by the study of any subject proves useful in other subjects and situations. Often it is seen that the learning of any one action and subject helps in the learning of other action and subject. Ancient Psychologists have given important place to some subjects in the education. It was their opinion that mind can be trained properly by these subjects. It is the statement of Plato—“If geometry is taught to a dull minded, necessarily he will get some intelligence. The person, who will read geometry, will be more intelligent to understand all the subjects than any other person.’’ It is the opinion of Educationalist Locke that by the teaching of maths, a man is judicious and he can transfer this judgmental power in the learning of other subjects. In the current times, the changes are going on in this method of training the mind.
From the educational point of view, for getting the success the use of any learnt subject can be done in other subject. In education from the syllabus creating point of view, transfer theory has an important place in learning. Here, learning transfer and training transfer, two words have been used. Learning transfer means to make a use of self acquired knowledge in other situation by student. Training word includes both learning and teaching, thus both the words are related to application. So here, for comfort, learning transfer word has been used. So it is necessary to pay attention on the meaning, theory, type and educational importance of learning.

Meaning of Transfer of Learning

In education, transfer of learning means ‘To make use of learnt application and subject in other situations. In other words, Acquiring knowledge in other subjects and situations is affected by the acquired knowledge in one subject and situation, is called the transfer of learning. It is also called learning transition’ and learning transfer. For example- the knowledge which is gained in learning maths helps in the learning of Physics, chemistry and statistics. This application is called the transfer of learning. In this way a child uses his general knowledge of maths in the buying of thing in the market. It is evident that there is transition of education in some form in related fields. The meaning of learning transfer is evident with the following definitions given by psychologists:

  • Velon and Veanstein—“Transfer of learning means that performance on one task is by affected performance on another task”.
  • Crow & Crow—“The carry over of habits of thinking, feeling or working of knowledge, of skill, from one learning area to another is usually referred to as the transfer of training.”
  • Callesanik—“transfer is the application to carry over of knowledge, skill, habits, attitude or other responses from the situation in which they are initially acquired to some other situation.’’
  • Prof. Sorenson—“Transfer is discussed to carry over the knowledge, training and habit acquired in one situation to another situation.”
  • Pretorson—“Transfer is generalization for it is extension of idea to a new field.’’
It is evident from the above definitions, that, to make use of earlier learnt, acquired knowledge, skill, habits or other responses in other situations, is called transfer.

Theories of Transfer of Learning

After understanding the theories of learning it is necessary to know, how does transfer happen? For this, it is necessary to study the different theories of transfer. These theories are following:

  1. Faculty theory of Mind and concept of Formal Discipline—This theory depends on the faculty psychology. According to it mind is made after mixing up many faculties, like- observation, memorization, imagination, discussion, and decision. This strength is different and free from one another. After training them and doing practice they can be made fast. And they can be used skillfully in any situation. For example if faculty is trained of memory, it is necessary to learn those words, which are not useful for person at that time. Therefore it is the opinion of followers of this theory, that logical power can be trained by maths and then it helps in the learning of those subjects in which logical power is needed. According to this theory the selection of the learning subjects should be done in this way, by which, the mental faculties could be strengthened. Current psychology does not accept the division of mental faculties, so this theory cannot be accepted.
  2. Theory of Identical Elements—The founder of this theory Thorndike confirmed this, on the basis of his experiments, when there is similarity between the subjects and the contents of two experiences, there is more possibility of transfer. If there is similarity between both, the acquired knowledge of one subject proves fruitful in the study of other subject. As maths knowledge in Physics and in statistics, history’s knowledge in political science, Psychology’s knowledge in Educational Psychology, and the knowledge of philosophy helps us in the study of Educational- philosophy and we do not feel complication. The main reason of it, that, the identical parts and elements are found in these subjects. Sir Gates has given his statement in its confirmation- ‘’It is seen that there is a higher ratio of transfer in the identical elements.’’ That’s why during the time of selecting subjects students try to select the subjects, which have identical elements in some parts. As- Selecting political science with current history.
  3. Theory of Generalization—The founder of this theory is Mr. Charles Jud. According to this theory when a person finds out a general theory with the support of his experience, study and knowledge, he can transfer it in other situations. Explaining this theory Mr. Jud has said, “according to this theory, development of individual skill, complete possession on individual facts, attainment of individual habits and instincts have less importance in other situations from the transfer point of view- Till then skillfulness, facts and habits are not orderly related those other situations, in which it could be used.
  4. Theory of ‘G’ and ‘S’ factor—The founder of this theory is Spearman. According to him a child needs a general and individual capability for the learning of each subject. General capability or intellect is used in every sphere of life. But individual intellect is used in the specific situation. General intellect helps a man in every situation, so general capability and element is transferred, not individual elements. History, Geography and Literature are related to general capability, but drawing, music etc are related to individual capability.
  5. Theory of Gestalt psychologists—Among the Gestalts Psychologists, mainly Kohler’s name comes. Kohler forces on the using of insight after observing the entire situation. These psychologists give importance to insight in learning. The development of insight is learning, which is used in one situation. According to these psychologists- To carry over the performance of insight, used and developed from one situation to other is called transfer of learning. A man observes the similarity between first and last situations and transfers the insight gained from one to another situation. This transfer happens due to the observed similarity. This type of transfer is seen in the solution of a problem, in which a man uses the solution gained from one situation into another similar situation. So this transfer is purposeful and effortful and equal opportunity is needed for this. Kohler has confirmed this theory by doing many experiments on the chimpanzee. According to Bayles, it is necessary to have three things for transfer of learning. (1) Arrival of opportunity. (2) To observe the opportunity. (3) The instinct of taking advantage with the opportunity in a man.

Types of Transfer of Learning

There are six types of transfer of learning:

Positive Transfer—When the learning of one subject proves useful into other subject, it is called positive learning. We find in the positive transfer that, the affect of previous obtained knowledge, skill, instinct or other responses is seen in later obtained knowledge, skill, instinct or other responses. For example the man who has learnt typing on the English type writer, he learns easily typing on Hindi type writer. Means English typing proves useful for learning. The opinions of psychologists related to positive transfer are following:

  • Morgan and King—“Positive transfer occurs when something previously learned benefits performance or learning in a new situation.’’
  • Sorenson—“A person learns through transfer to the extent that the abilities required in one situation help in another.’’
Negative Transfer—When the learning of one subject and skill hinders in the learning of another
subject and skillfulness or produce complication, which is called negative transfer, as it is difficult for a science side student to learn Arts side subjects. And other example as- the skill or knowledge of previous learnt English typing hinders in the learning of Hindi typing on Hindi type writer. This is negative transfer. In relation of negative transfer in which, we find after completing previous task in the completeness of later work, Psychologists have following opinions:

  • Morgan and King—“Negative transfer occurs when something previously learnt hinders performance or learning in a new situation.’’
  • Boring and others—“when learning one task makes the learning of second task harder we speak of negative transfer.’’
Negative transfer is horizontal and vertical type as well. Its description has been presented in point no. 3 and 4. The nature of negative transfer is of two types:

  • Retro-active Negative Transfer—When something previously learnt is affected or forgotten by the learning of new thing, it is called retro active negative transfer. For example it is difficult to remember previously learnt poem after learning the new poem.
  • Pro-active Negative Transfer—When previous learnt thing affects or hinders the learning of the new thing, it is called proactive negative transfer. For example, the previously learnt poem hinders in the learning of second poem, or the lines of previous poem interfere in the memory.

Horizontal Transfer—There are two types of horizontal transfers. When different types of talents 
and knowledge help in the learning of other talents and knowledge, it is called horizontal transfer. This transfer occurs between two subjects in a class. For example in the tenth class, a student’s maths related learning helps in the study of Physics. We call this type of transfer positive horizontal transfer. On the contrary if the learning and talent of one subject hinders in the learning and talent of other subject, it will be called negative horizontal transfer. For example tenth class student obtains knowledge and talent in maths, but this obtained knowledge hinders in the learning of Hindi and English. This type of learning will be called negative horizontal transfer.

Vertical Transfer—There are two types of vertical transfers, negative and positive. When the talent and knowledge obtained in a situation proves helpful in the obtaining knowledge of related subjects moving further, it will be called positive vertical transfer. For example, learnt maths in class eight proves helpful in the learning of maths in tenth class by a student. On the contrary, when obtained knowledge and talent related to one subject hinders in obtaining knowledge and talent related to that situation, this type of transfer is called negative vertical transfer, for example- the literature knowledge of class eight’s student hinders in obtaining knowledge in next class, this type of learning will be called negative vertical transfer. Means the first step of learning hinders in the learning of second step.

Lateral transfer—when the efficiency of one organ of body affects the other related talent of the same organ, then, this type of learning will be called lateral transfer. For example- the skill of Hindi writing by the right hand affects the skill of Sanskrit writing.

Bi-lateral Transfer—When the acquired efficiency by one organ of the body affects the efficiency of another organ , then this type of transfer will be called Bi-lateral transfer. For example a man learns to write with right hand but according to the need he can also write with left hand, even while he has not practiced to write with left hand. We can see in this situation that the talent of right hand was transferred in left hand.

Conditions of Transfer of Learning

The following conditions prove helpful in the transfer of learning:

  1. Generalization—Much as a person is capable in finding the general theory or rule on the basis of his previous experiences, there is transfer of training.
  2. Understanding—Identical knowledge is acquired after the understanding of any thing very well. Consequently there is more transfer. So it is better to understand any subject well for the transfer of teaching.
  3. The degree of mastery on the subject–matter—More the skill is gained after the deep studying of any subject, more transfer of that subject into others subjects is possible.
  4. Deliberation—If a man after keeping his previous experiences tries to understand the new situation or subject by the effortful and proper education methods, there is the transfer of teaching.
  5. Attitude toward the material of transfer—A person’s positive attitude towards the material of transfer proves helpful in the positive transfer.
  6. Method of Teaching—Above teaching methods provide help in the transfer of teaching.

Educational Importance of Transfer of Learning

For the education—It affects of the process of learning transfer in education. Following things should be paid attention to for the transfer of learning in education:

  1. Transfer and syllabus—The most important use of transfer is for the development of syllabus. For the discipline in the children, the favorable syllabus should be prepared, means it includes such subjects which are useful and related to the problem of daily life. The nature of syllabus should be practical. It is the opinion of Thomson- “It is beneficial to have more subjects in the syllabus. The more subjects will be, more students will learn the abilities of surviving.’’ 
  2. Transfer and Teaching method—A teacher should provide the education by the proper method for the positive transfer. They should be given education in such a way that he could make the use of acquired knowledge of one subject, in the learning of other subjects. Child should also be given necessary guidance for the transfer. Children should be told identical element related to subject for the transfer of one subject’s knowledge in to other subject. For this it is necessary to pay attention to the rules of association. For the success of transfer, a teacher should try to make his subject more interesting.
  3. Generalization—A teacher should follow such an educational method during the time of teaching, following which the student could himself find out the general theory related to subject. Student should be provided opportunity and should not be interfered in that. After developing the characteristics of generalization, child uses it soon in the new situation. It is the statement of Handrix related to it “The child who has the knowledge that after multiplying six by eight makes forty eight, he can soon tell that 8 chairs in 6 rows are 48.’’ So whatever a teacher teaches should be taught on the basis of generalization. There is more possibility of transfer with it.


  • It is the opinion of Educational Psychologist that the knowledge obtained by the study of any subject proves useful in other subjects and situations. Often it is seen that the learning of any one skill and subject helps in the learning of other skill and subject.
  • It is the statement of Plato—“ if geometry is taught to a dull minded, necessarily he will get some intelligence. The person who will read geometry, will be more intelligent to understand all the subjects than any other person”
  • Learning transfer means to make use of self acquired knowledge in other situation by a student.
  • Some important theories of learning are – the theory of mental power and the opinion of formal discipline, the theory of similar elements, the theory of generalization, the theory of general and individual parts, the theory of gestalt psychology.
  • None of these theories can be given importance. It will be proper to see these theories in coordination point of view.
  • There are six important types of learning- positive, negative, negative transfer, horizontal transfer, vertical transfer, lateral transfer, Bi-lateral transfer.
  • In the process of learning, transfer has an important place. A teacher should learn some other following things except the above things.
  • For the discipline of the children, favorable syllabus should be prepared, means it includes such subjects which are useful and related to the problem of daily life.
  • They should be given education in such a way that they could make the use of acquired knowledge of one subject, in the learning of other subjects. Child should also be given necessary guidance for the transfer.
  • During the time of teaching a teacher should follow such teaching method, by which student could discover the general theory related to own subject.

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