Steps in the Process of Learning

After analyzing the process and the defi nition of learning, the steps of learning are found. Psychologist Miller and Dollard have expressed their opinion on these steps:

‘’In order to learn one must want some thing, notice some thing, do something and get something.’’
Dashiell has explained the steps of learning process more clearly. In these steps (1)Motivation, (2) purpose, (3) complication, (4) various responses for getting purpose, (5) reinforcement (6) unification are important. In the process of learning, motivation is originated in a person to fulfill his need, which has its some purpose, being inspired with the purpose, he becomes active. Every action and behavior of a person has its own purpose means his action is purposeful. The third step in the process of learning is— To have obstacle in the process of learning. On finding the obstacles, he gives various responses or behaves differently in order to achieve his aim. Whatever kind of behavior he does to remove the obstacle by his skill that includes the process of learning. Among the various types of possible responses, the response that helps in the fulfillment of purpose is reinforced. And he repeats that successful process in the peculiar situation. Thus reinforcement is an important step in the process of learning. The description of this theory has been done further. After this, the earlier knowledge of new successful responses connects to many activities. Thus, when the new experiences connect to the earlier experiences, it becomes the part of his knowledge, it has been called by the psychologist ‘pre-compliance’, and the process of learning is accomplished by the above step.

Learning and Maturity—Maturity has great effect on the process of learning. Maturity means the physical development. Mental ability also develops along with the physical development. There are changes in the behavior of the human as a result of this development. The change in the behavior happens due to maturity and learning. The process of learning goes on throughout life. In this way the development of the human being takes place. Maturity is also a continuous process of development. Maturity means that children become capable to doing something at a certain age which they were not able to do earlier. Maturity and the process of learning are closely related. The physical instrument of learning like spinal chord and nerves help us in learning. As the body of the child grows towards maturity, he begins to use the powers within, and his behavior keeps on changing. For this change, physical, motor and mental maturity is needed. In relation to the learning and maturity, the opinion of Boring, Longfield, and Weld, “Maturity means that growth and development which is necessary before the learning of any special kind of behavior.” So the physical and mental maturity is needed before learning. In this relation, Psychologists Dennis, McGraw and Strayer etc have concluded after experimenting on the twin sisters that maturity is needed for learning. In order to learn the skill which requires physical and mental maturity, forcing some one to learn it early is not beneficial or psychological. Mr. Dennis did an experiment on twin girls. One girl was trained to climb the staircase after five months whereas the other girl was not at all trained. After one year it was observed that both girls were equally capable of climbing the staircase. It is evident from this experiment that physical and mental maturity is necessary for the learning of any skill. The training given in the immaturity is useless. Hence it is harmful to force the child to learn maths, read and get knowledge of any subject. Learning under immaturity harms the child. It affects the physical health of the child as well. Hence it hinders his natural development. Hence it is necessary to focus on the level of maturity the process of learning.

Types of Learning 

It is not easy to describe the types of learning. Because it can be classified with various angles, hence keeping in mind the learning methods, principles, theories, ways of learning, subject matter it can be divided in the following way:

  1. Sensory Motor Learning—It includes the skill attainment knowledge. In this kind of learning various kinds of skills are attained. In includes various skills, like swimming, cycling, typing and painting etc. Learning of emotional activities comes under it. A child learns after following the daily activities, like he learns to talk by repeating and hearing meaningless words.
  2. Motor Learning—In the first stage of development children learn to control the movement of the parts of the body. 
  3. Intellectual Learning—In includes the processes of obtaining knowledge which are following:
    • Perceptual Learning—Under this, a child reacts or responds after hearing or listening the entire situation on mental level with the help of sensory organs. 
    • Conceptual Learning—In this kind of learning he has to take help of logic, imagination and rumination. On this subject, logic and imagination have been described in detail. 
    • Associative Learning—Conceptual learning becomes possible because of this kind of learning. This kinds of learning comes under memorizing. It has been described in the lesson dedicated to memory. 
    • Appreciational Learning—In this kinds of learning, children learn to explain emotionally, or describe something with beautification. With the help of these descriptions various types of learning, the purposes of learning becomes evident. These have been described in the book further. 
    • Programmed Learning—It has been described in a separate chapter.
If we examine the conditions of learning, then we find the following types of learning:

  1. Simple Learning—When a child learns something independently and simply by playing, it is called simple learning, like a child learns to keep away from the fire during his play. In the response to such simple process he learns easily, he does not have any organized response. 
  2. Complex Learning—Complex learning includes complex and organized processes and the level of complexity also increases, as the child learns the music, it becomes necessary for him to understand various notes and sounds, and moving forward he has to learn the complex process of symphonies and melodies. In complex learning a child has to establish a balance in various skills and processes. 
  3. Sudden Learning—Sudden learning happens un-precedented, like a child learns something new in a mutual discussion. In this child is conscious of learning, neither he tries to learning anything systematically. He just learns all of sudden. 
  4. Purposeful Learning—Purposeful learning as a result of effort. A child has to make effort consciously and knowingly to learn something. A child decides the goal of learning and becomes active systematically. If a child wishes to learn mathematics, then he will go to person who can teach the principles of mathematics. It is also self practiced. 


  • Learning is a life long process. Man learns throughout his whole life. In education psychology, learning is the main subject.
  • Learning is an extensive word. Learning depends on the inborn responses. Being inspired by the inborn instinct, a man does whatever activities there are, for the adjustment of his situation. According to the Psychologists- Learning is a mental process. A mental process is expressed by the behavior. A man is changed and refined on the basis of the experiences in his behavior.
  • In order to explain the meaning of learning, psychologists have given many definitions for it. Like according to Crow and Crow, “Learning is acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes.”
  • Motivation is necessary in the process of learning. Learning can produce social and un-social responses in a man. 
  • Maturity has great effect on the process of learning. Maturity means the physical development. Mental ability also develops along with the physical development. There are changes in the behavior of the human as a result of this development. The change in the behavior happens due to maturity and learning. The process of learning goes on throughout life. In this way the development of the human being takes place. Maturity is also a continuous process of development.
  • The physical instrument of learning like spinal chord and nerves help us in learning. As the body of the child grows towards maturity, he begins to use the powers within, and his behavior keeps on changing. For this change, physical, motor and mental maturity is needed.
  • Learning under immaturity harms the child. It affects the physical health of the child as well. Hence it hinders his natural development. Hence it is necessary to focus on the level of maturity the process of learning. They both are dependent on each other.

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