Method of Measuring Intelligence

The development of intelligence testing has been done in India some days ago. In the above described intelligence test, it was attempted to use Binet test in the Indian situation. Intelligence test related work was being done in the ‘education department ‘or psychological Bureau’ in the universities of the different states. In 1922 Dr. C.H. Rice published ‘Hindustani Binet Performance Test.’ This test is the corrective form of Binet test. After this, whichever performance test was constructed, Dr. Bhatia Battery of Performance Test is worth mentioning.
Bhatia Battery of Performance Test—Dr. Bhatia constructed the performance test for the children on the basis of battery of performance test made by Alexander. Following five tests are included:

  1. Kohas Block Design Test.
  2. Alexander Pass Along Test.
  3. Pattern Drawing Test.
  4. Immediate Memory Test for digits.
  5. Picture Construction Test, it has two tests of the same types which have been described above.

Pattern Design Test—In the Pattern Design Test, 8 line art were drawn on different cards. It is asked to draw the similar picture putting them in front.

In the Immediate Test for Digits—some digits as 7, 5, 11, 14 are asked to repeat once they are shown or told.

Picture Construction Test—There are five scenes from Indian life, putting them in the different pieces it is told to assemble them. Complete picture is prepared with this activity.

Apart from these intelligent test, following tests have been prepared in Hindi:

Verbal Intelligence Test—This was constructed in psychological Bureau in U.P. This test is for the age of 10 to adulthood.
Verbal Intelligence Test—This test has been prepared in U.P., this test is for the children of class 8, 10, and 12.
Verbal Intelligence Test—This test is for the children of 10 to 16. It has been constructed by Dr. S.A. Mohsin.
General Mental Ability test—This test has been constructed by Dr. Jalota. This test is for the age of 12 to 16 years.

Besides it, many intelligence tests have been prepared, which are used in the different fields according to the need.

Method of Measuring Intelligence 

It is necessary for us to obtain knowledge about two subjects for knowing the method of measuring intelligence.

  1. Mental Age
  2. Intelligence Quotient
Mental Age—Mental age of a man is the indication of the level of intelligence. Mental age, in some especial age, expresses the mental maturity of a child. According to Dr. Mathur, “Mental age is the expression of limit of the development obtained by any man which is known by his works, and it is expected of him in some specific age.’’ In psychology various kinds of intelligence tests have been constructed for the different ages and for determining mental age. Mental age can be known by these intelligence tests. For example, if any intelligence test, for the age of 12 years child’s determines average score as 75, if the test score of any child is 75, his mental age will be considered 12 years even if he is 10 years old. There is no fixed relationship between the real age and mental age of any child. The mental age of 12 years old child can be equal to 8 years old child also. It is necessary to use intelligence test for knowing the mental age. The knowledge of mental age is obtained on the basis of the responses of the above descriptive tests.

Intelligence Quotient

After knowing the mental age of a man, it is not found whether he is intelligent, common or dull minded. Psychologist Terman invented intelligence quotient for measuring the intelligence. What is Intelligence Quotient? To know this, first it is necessary to find out the chronological age and mental age. After this, intelligence quotient is known by the following formula.
For example if the mental age of any child is 15 years and his chronological age is 12 years, his intelligence quotient is obtained in this way:
The meaning of this intelligence quotient is that, the child is intelligent. Generally, whose intelligence quotient is 100 or approximately, they are considered of normal intelligence.

The Classification of Intelligence Quotient

Psychologists have put the intelligence of man in the following classes on the basis of the counting of intelligence quotient.

Utility of intelligence Tests

Intelligence tests have important place in the field of education. According to modern psychologist, education should be provided considering child as the central point. So it is necessary providing education, keeping in mind the intelligence and the capability of child. From this point of view, intelligence tests have become the important aid to education. Intelligence tests have following utilities in education:

  1. Help in the Selection of the Student—Intelligence test helps in the entrance of proper student for proper class. Unworthy student are found out by it. And only worthy students are selected.
  2. Help in the Psychological Classification of Child—Children can be divided into various classes with the help of intelligence tests. Genious, Average and dull minded children, Putting them in different classes, education should be provided to them according to their ability. 
  3. Help in the Measurement of Especial Ability—The best student in the college can be selected by this test, whoever gets highest place in the debate or other activities.
  4. Help in the Dealing with the Problematic Students—The intelligence quotient of such a child found out by the intelligence test, whether the reason of his behavior is lack of intelligence or any other reason. Thus, with the help of intelligence test, the reason of uncommon behavior is known and they can be cured or improved.
  5. Help in Giving Work According to the Capacity of a Child—The working capability of child can be found out by the intelligence test.
  6. Indication Towards the Future of a Child—Douglas and Dazed have said, “intelligence tests point towards the future of a child.’’ His future problem can be found out by this test.
  7. Help in the Selection of Syllabus—It can be found on the basis of the test which subjects are proper for which students. 
  8. Help in the Annual Examination—On the basis of these tests, if intelligent student get less mark in the examination or gets failure, or due to illness he does not obtain good marks, he can be promoted to the next class.
  9. Verification of the Works of a Teacher—How has teacher taught the students, it can also be found out by these tests.
  10. Help in the Teaching Work of Teachers—By using the intelligence test, genius or dull minded child can be put in the different classes. Teachers feel comfort in teaching in this type of class, in which the students are of same level of intelligence and student also learns with interest.
  11. Help in the Guidance Related to Occupation—Student’s occupational ability can also be known by the intelligence test and they can be provided help in the selection of occupation.
  12. Knowledge of the Progress of the Students—Teacher finds this by using the intelligence quotient, that, according to his ability, a student is progressing in his subjects or not. Thus by this test, the hardwork done by the student can be known.
  13. Diagnosis of Mental Health—By the intelligence test, mental unhealthiness can known and cured. 
  14. Help in Deciding Scholarships—By these tests, worthy students can known, and scholarships can be given to them.
  15. Remedy of Extravagance in the Education—Often in the colleges, many youngsters post-pone their education after failure. So for removing this extravagance, knowledge of a child’s ability can be known, and they can be provided help in the selection of the proper subjects.
  16. Help in the Study of the Specific Classes of Children—Intelligence test helps in the survey of the intellectual level of other racial community or specific classes as- dumb, deaf and blind.
  17. Utility in the Field of Industrial and Occupation—By the intelligence test, help can be taken in the selection of the employees and officers for the government and non-government services. Thus, we can see that the use of the intelligence test in the different field of day to day life is increasing. Many problems can be resolved and cured by the intelligence test in all the important spheres of life. Especially its usage has been proved very important in the educational field.


  • It is important in the field of education to study the differences in mental abilities. The differences between the mental abilities and capabilities are decided by intelligence.
  • In education it is necessary to study the personality differences. Many methods are used for obtaining the knowledge of personality differences. 
  • Psychologists have made different tests for the measurement of personality differences. In modern warfare, intelligence-tests began in Europe in relation to scientific study.
  • In this relation Alfred Binet of France, Thorndike and Terman of America have done works that worth mentioning. Other psychologists as Galton, Cattell and Pearson have also invented many intelligence tests, but these tests measured common mental activities, so these cannot be called intelligence tests. In this field the first and prominent was Alfred Binet. 
  • Today many intelligence tests are present, for the measurement of intelligence. If we put light on the kinds of intelligence tests, they can be divided between two groups—(a) Personal or community intelligence test (b) Verbal or non-verbal intelligence test.
  • The development of intelligence testing has been done in India some days ago. In the above described intelligence test, it was attempted to use Binet test in the Indian situation. Intelligence test related work was being done in the ‘education department ‘or psychological Bureau’ in the universities of the different states. In 1922 Dr. C.H. Rice.
  • Intelligence tests have important place in the field of education. According to modern psychologist, education should be provided considering child as the central point. So it is necessary providing education, keeping in mind the intelligence and the capability of child. From this point of view, intelligence tests have become the important aid to education.

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