Factors which Adversely Affect Behavior of Child

Factors which Adversely affect behavior of child there are various factors that adversely affect the behavior of child. Which are:
1. Effect of Inheritance: Due to the faulty inheritance various diseases like mental infirmity or nerve related diseases are found in child. Because of it he remains unhealthy.

 2. Effect of Physical Health: Physical health has deep relation with mental health. Ailing person finds difficulty in adjusting with new conditions.

3. Effect of Physical Limitation: Physical limitation occurs due to accidents or diseases etc. Physical limitation develops the inferiority complex in child which creates a problem for him in adjusting with his friends and society.

4. Family Related Reasons: following factors related to the family affects the behavior of child.

  • Family Environment: The crises amongst the family members adversely affects the child.
  • Poverty of Family: Due to the bad economic condition of family, child becomes rigid or enraged. Feeling of insecurity, lack of confidence and inferiority complex developes within him and all these things adversely affect the mental health of child.
  • Strict Discipline of Family: If child gets rebuked in little things it creates the feeling of self-complex within him. In this kind of environment the child gets ill.
  • Biasness of Parents: If parents like one of the child more than the others due to several reasons, then also the child getting low care adversely affected by this behavior. In this kind of situation they have jealousy for other children of the family. Pugnacious attitude arises in the mind of child and they always try to harm others.
  • Excess love of Parents: Some of the parents give extra care or love to their only child or hardly surviving children or due to healthiness. It also harms children. There is lack of self dependence within them. They are unable to face the difficulties of life. They got excess care; therefore they do not grow independently.
  • Effects of the high values of Parents: Parents believe in high moral values and expect their children to behave according to these. Children of the family feel suffocation under the burden of these high moral values. They walk in the world of imagination, by depriving general life and therefore they cannot handle the social problems. There is always a conflict between the values and reality within their mind. As a result nervous system gets affected and nerve related diseases rises within them.

5. Psychological Reasons: There are some other reasons of mental illness other than other reasons, which are helpful in arising mental illness, which are called as tension, emotion-gland, anxiety, mental weakness and tiredness. These are described earlier. All these adversely affect the mind of children.

6. Social Reasons: Defective organization and environment of society also affects mental health of the child. Mental health of child can’t be good in an unorganized society because there is always the involvement of conflicts, crises, various kind of social evils such as stealing, lying, dishonesty etc. in this kind of environment. Children growing in this kind of environment can be the victim of various flaws such as instability, jealousy, enmity, conflict, misbehave etc. cast and communal conflicts of society, distance between the rich and the poor group, feelings of higher and lower, jealousy, enmity, non-cooperation etc. creates strain in the mind of children. This kind of situation and environment of society is harmful for the mental health of child.

7. School Related Reasons: After family, school environment also affects the mental health of the child:

  • School Environment: If there is excess of regulatory control over child in school, his desires are depressed or he is restricted to participate on subject activities, then his mental health gets disturbed. If there is always fear of discipline in school and classrooms, then the child becomes the victim of mental illness.
  • Defective Syllabus: If children do not the syllabus according their interest, needs and abilities then they do not take interest in studies and get defeated in exams, this results as mental illness within children. They are always afraid of punishment in case of not learning the subject-matter. These kinds of children get tensed and became the victims of criminal behavior. Often they bunk their classes.
  • Insufficient Teaching-Techniques: If teacher does not emphasis over personal difference and try to use psychological techniques, then the child have to face difficulties in studies and he became frustrated when he is unable to learn anything.
  • Faulty Examination system: Today subjective examinations system are in tradition, these are not sufficient to assess the real development and ability of the child. Usually due to the various flaws of examination system, able children do not get promotion in class and by chance due to some reasons students who are not capable get passed in exams. In such circumstances the able students lose their confidence and unable students do not take interest in studies. These kinds of children could not adjust themselves in society. 
  • Feeling of Competition: The feeling of competition which involves the feelings of jealousy, enmity and hate also affects the mental health of children.
  • Effect of the Personality of the Teacher: If there is instability in the behavior of teacher then he could not properly behave with children. His behavior becomes rigid and bias. If he punish children in little things then the mind of children get unbalanced. In such a situation child became more enraged and rude or always afraid and became the victim of emotion-gland.

Measures to Keep Good Behavior of Child

Family, school and society have an important role in forming the better mental-health of the child. From this point of view the factors that maintain the mental health or the psychological health of child are following:

(a) Functions of Family: Family plays the most importance role in the protection of mental health. Family helps in maintaining mental health in following ways:

  1. Provide Necessary Facilities for Development: According to the psychologist, feelings like freedom, self-confidence and responsibility of a mentally fit child develops till the age of 6 years. Family has to provide required opportunities, facilities and environment to the child for the fulfillment of the physical and mental necessities of the child.
  2. Family Environment: The family environment should be peaceful to maintain the mental health of the child and there should be care and love in hearts of the family members for each other. Child should be motivated to do work of his interest. Mental health of parents should be good.
  3. Behavior of Parents: Proper behavior of parents towards their children is helpful in development of good mental health of the children. In this relation Kupooswami wrote, “the mother who give love and protection to her children, she contributes in mental development of he children, the father who spends his time and life with his children, he helps in providing a healthy psychological point of view to the children.
(b) Role of School: The process of development of the personality of child begins from family, but it can be successfully achieved in schools by various means. Teachers have the important role in school. He can help in maintaining the mental health and resisting the mental disability of children by emphasizing on following factors. Following things should be kept in mind in schools for the development of mental health:

  1. Good Environment: School environment affects the physical and mental health very much. There should be arrangement of regular physical education, food, rest, sports, exercise, cleanliness and treatment of diseases in schools.
  2. Caring Behavior of Teachers: Teacher should have polite, good and kindly behavior towards students. Teacher should behave equally to the students without being bias.
  3. Discipline: School Discipline should be based on democratic principles, means the policy of fear, punishment and suppression should be avoided. For developing the feeling of self-discipline within children, they should be motivated to perform responsibility oriented tasks.
  4. Balanced and Proper Syllabus: Syllabus should be according to the age, interest and requirement of the child and it should be flexible. Syllabus should be in such a manner that it can develop all the aspects of personality of children.
  5. Balanced Home-Work: Students should not be rewarded with too much home work. The burden of home-work makes them always worry about the punishment in not doing it. It affects their mind adversely.
  6. Organizing Syllabus Oriented Activities: Sports, entertainment, scouting and cultural programs should be organized in school. These kinds of programs avail students to present their inspirations, their wills and basic behavior.
  7. New View Towards the Teaching-Techniques: Traditional education-techniques should be avoided. Modern psychological techniques should be used, which should be based on the principle of performance, behavior, practice, self-experience and freedom.
  8. Educational Directions: Students should be help in choosing subjects according their interest and ability.
  9. Personal Directions: Children have many problems, to which they are unable to solve. Therefore problems can be easily solved with the help of skilled people and psychologist. This kind of directions should be available in school.
  10. Occupational Directions: An important objective of education is to provide professional skills. The upcoming professional life makes the teenagers worry during their study/learning period. They can be help in choosing right occupation with the means of professional/occupational directions.
  11. Parent-Teacher Meeting: There is special contribution of family and parents in education of the child. Therefore teachers and parents should concern about the education of children at a regular interval. For this purpose a parent-teacher council should be established.
  12. Arrangement of Religious and Moral Education: Child should be introduced with religious and moral thoughts at a regular interval for the moral and behavioral development of the child. By this they can accept healthy feelings and good ideas easily. 
  13. Formation of Good Habits: Formation of good habits is important for mental health. Teacher should make efforts to raise the habit of daily life, balanced food and simple living, high thinking.
  14. Take Advice from Mental Health Specialists: Psychologists should be concerned for the psychological problems of children and their studies in schools and their arrangement should be made properly. 
  15. Education of Good Citizenship: Education for being good citizen should be given in schools from initial stage. As the member of the society, for the development of social qualities education of ideal citizenship and being social should be given through various subjects and programs.
Above mentioned factors are the simple measures for maintaining psychological health and resisting mental illness.


  • Developing a healthy mind in a healthy body is an objective of education. Mental health of the child can be developed only with the help of education.
  • As the victim of mental illness both the student and teacher could not succeed in their objective of being educated and educating respectively. Therefore the measures for their mental illness and maintaining their mental health should be concerned.
  • There are several factors that affects adversely to the mental health of the child. (1) Effect of family succession, (2) Effect of physical health, (3) Effect of physical deficiency or development, (4) Family related factors, (5) Psychological reasons, (6) Society related reasons, (7) School related reasons.
  • Family, school and society have an important role in forming the better mental-health of the child. From this point of view the factors that maintain the mental health or the psychological health of child are (a) Role of Family: (1) Provide necessary facilities for development, (2) Family Environment, (3) Behavior of Parents. (b) Functions of School: 1. Good Environment, 2. Caring/Lovingly Behavior of Teachers, 3. Discipline, 4. Balanced and Proper Syllabus, 5. Balanced Home-Work, 6. Organizing Syllabus oriented Activities, 7. New view towards the teaching-techniques, 8. Educational directions, 9. Personal Directions, 10. Occupational Directions, 11. Parent-Teacher Meeting 12. Arrangement of Religious and Moral Education.

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