Characteristics of Good Memory

Important qualities and characteristic of good memory are following:
  1. Quick Learning—The first characteristic of good learning is quick learning. The child who learns any thing after reading or hearing on time, then his memory is called good.
  2. Good Retention—If a child can remember learnt thing for a long time, his memory is more stable. This is the quality of good memory.
  3. Quick Recall—There is also another quality of good memory- recall. Learnt content is early recalled that is so useful. From the educational point of view quick recall is the most important quality for the student.
  4. Quick and Accurate Recognition—For good memory, not only quick recall but quick and accurate recognition is also needed. Child reads many things related to subject, learns and remembers, in the examination time he recall these things, but without quick and accurate recognition he is not able to answer the desired questions.
  5. Forgetting of Meaningless Things—This is also a good quality of good memory that child forgets useless things and remembers useful things. Useless things hinders in the remembrance, recall, retention and recognition of useful things.

Kinds of Memory

Psychologists have given the following kinds of memory:

  1. Immediate Memory—After learning a fact or any subject, immediately repeating is immediate memory. But in this type of learning, there are more possibilities of forgetting. 
  2. Permanent Memory—Learnt things are remembered in it for a long time. It found more in the children.
  3. Active Memory—To recall the past experiences after making efforts according to desire is called active memory, as- in the examination hall remembering effort fully to write the answers of the questions.
  4. Passive Memory—When we recall our past experiences without any effort that is called passive memory. For example, as- telling the name of blackboard, remembering its blackness.
  5. Personal Memory—To recall our own personal past experiences is personal memory, as- after watching any event, remembering some experience of our childhood.
  6. Impersonal Memory—In this type of memory besides our personal experiences, other experiences obtained by the means of friend, books, and newspaper are remembered.
  7. Rote Memory—To memorize any subject without understanding it well and to recall it successfully when needed is rote memory. Now a days, most students take the support of this type of memory for getting success in the examination. This type of memory helps in the learning of tables in the maths. 
  8. Logical Memory—Learning content after understanding it properly and remembering it and telling it when needed is logical memory. It is also called intellectual memory. This type of memory is useful in the education of a child.
  9. Habit Memory—When a man learns or repeats anything again and again, it turns into his habit. Due to this habit he does not make effort to remember it.
  10. Sense Impression Experience—In this type of memory, when we recall or recognize anything by fact and thought due to the experience of the sense impression, as- telling about something after touching, tasting and smelling it or remembering any fact after hearing.
  11. Physical Memory—When we do some work repeatedly, our related parts are in the habit of doing the same work and there is no mistake in doing that work, as in typing fingers freely fall on the proper letters.
  12. True Memory—Psychologists have called it the best memory. In this kinds of memory, content is remembered in sequence. The sequential knowledge of learnt content becomes stable in it. Facts can be recalled soon by true memory. This type of memory is important in education. 


  • Whatever a man feels ever, that continues to collect in some form in his mind. The experiences, which are on the unconscious level of mind or are not conscious, they are called collected. And which comes on the level of conscious mind, they are called memory. Memory helps us in the practical activities of life.
  • Memory has an important place in the education. It is almost impossible to get knowledge without memory.
  • According to Mc Dougall—“Memory implies imagining of events as experiences in the past and recognizing them as belonging to one’s own past experiences.”
  • Memory is a complicated mental process. According to Woodworth, four following factors are included in memory: 1. Learning 2. Retention 3. Recall 4. Recognition
  • The first characteristic of good learning is quick learning. The child who learns any thing after reading or hearing on time, then his memory is called good.
  • Psychologists have given the following kinds of memory: 1. Immediate Memory 2. Permanent Memory 3. Active Memory 4. Passive Memory 5. Personal Memory 6. Impersonal Memory 7. Rote Memory 8. Logical Memory 9. Habit Memory 10. Sense Impression Experience 11. Physical Memory 12. True Memory.

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